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An Active Lifestyle

Being more physically active is one of the best things you can do for your health. Here are some tips to do that!

Get social

Get active with your friends instead of going out to eat. Go for a hike, walk around the mall, or play an exercisethemed video game.

Move more at work

Fit more activity into the workday. Stand during phone calls, use a printer farther from your desk, and get up to stretch each hour.

Do something new

Develop a new skill to kick-start your motivation. Sign up for a class to learn how to salsa dance, surf, do tai chi, or play a sport.

Keep cool in the pool

Don’t like to sweat? Hit the local community pool for a swim, water polo, or water aerobics class to stay cool while exercising.

Stay on track

Use SuperTracker.usda.gov to track your activity. Sync your FITBIT® for easy entry and join a challenge for friendly competition.

List your own tips, and download this tip sheet to help you maintain an active lifestyle.

Learn how to move more with our helpful videos!

Learn how to move more with our helpful tip sheets!

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